Pinterest Video Downloader

Fast and free pinterest video downloader

How to use Downloader?

1. Kopirujte zdieľowací URL videa

2. Nalepiće je do polašć wótšej

3. Klikń, aby stáhnout knópka

Video Guide

Download Pinterest Video

Kako se da sejźe wideo, wobrazki abo GIF-ki z Pinterest

Wótwor pódstrona Pinterest abo aplikaciju Pinterest a wubjerź wideo, wobrazk abo GIF, kotrež chceš stáhnjeć

Klikń na ikonu "•••" w prawym górnym rohu wubraneje kółki. Klikń na ikonu "•••", kótaraž jo wobrazona na wobrazku. Po kliknjenju na ikonu "•••" klikń na "Kopěrowaś wotkaz".

Wlož kopěrowanu URL do wubrodźenja za stahnjenje a klikń na tlačatko "Stahnje".
Móžeš so pomjezroń pregled swójho datoteki za stahnjenje a kóńčk stahnjenja je pśed tym pód nim.
Klikń na kóčko "Stahnje", aby stahnjeś.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to register an account to download Pinterest videos?+

No, you just copy the media file, paste it Download Input Box, and start downloading.

Can We Open this website (DownloadPinterestVideos) on any device?+

Yes, there is no restriction for any device and operating system while using the Pinterest video downloader. DownloadPinterestVideos is available on Android phones, tablets, PCs, windows, iPhones, and Macbooks.

Is there any limit to downloading Pinterest videos?+

No, Our tool is available to everyone with no restrictions. We are proud to offer free and unlimited downloads to all users. Content creators and bloggers of any niche can benefit from our service without any limitations.

Is DownloadPinterestVideos safe for my device?+

Yes, Our first priority is our users safety. DownloadPinterestVideos is completely safe for Pinterest video download. No virus, No malware, and no privacy issue.

Where is the video saved after download?+

When you download a video, It is usually saved in a folder selected by your browser by default. If you cannot find the downloaded video then follow the instructions given below.

  • If you are using Windows, then press Ctrl + J on the keyboard to see the download history.
  • If you are using a Mac, then press Cmd + Shift + J on the keyboard to see the download history.
  • If you're using any smartphone, check your browser's default download path.
Can I download Pinterest videos that have been deleted?+

No, DownloadPinterestVideos can only download Pinterest videos that are not deleted from Pinterest

Can I download Pinterest videos that are made private?+

No, DownloadPinterestVideos can only download public Pinterest videos. If a video is private, it will no longer be available for download.

O Pinterestowym Stahnjarju Widejow

Widźeśmy, zo ludojo maju wjelike problemje z póstajenjom wideo z Pinteresta a někdy tež wobrazow a GIF-ow. Te procesy póstajenja su so za ludźi stały bolenjom hdobja. Ale njejsu móhli póstajić. Tohodla jemy twórzyli prosty a efektywny narić, aby póstajenje wšych wuchobanych Pinow było prochowe. downloadpinterestvideos je besplatny online narić za póstajenje wideo z Pinteresta. Móžeš tež póstajić wobrazki a GIF-y z Pinteresta přimo na swój komputer, tablet abo mobilny telefon (iPhone & android) z pomocu tuteje websitnje. Dodali směmy opciju wjele rěčow po krajiznje, abyś móhł swoj kontent (wideo & wobrazki) z Pinteresta lahko rozumić a póstajić bjez komplikacijow abo tekniskich překóžkow.