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No, you just copy the media file, paste it Download Input Box, and start downloading.
Yes, there is no restriction for any device and operating system while using the Pinterest video downloader. DownloadPinterestVideos is available on Android phones, tablets, PCs, windows, iPhones, and Macbooks.
No, Our tool is available to everyone with no restrictions. We are proud to offer free and unlimited downloads to all users. Content creators and bloggers of any niche can benefit from our service without any limitations.
Yes, Our first priority is our users safety. DownloadPinterestVideos is completely safe for Pinterest video download. No virus, No malware, and no privacy issue.
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No, DownloadPinterestVideos can only download Pinterest videos that are not deleted from Pinterest
No, DownloadPinterestVideos can only download public Pinterest videos. If a video is private, it will no longer be available for download.
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